I have decided to start this blog after MANY months of considering, not knowing really if I wanted to or not. Hopefully this will be worth it!
My name is Courtney. The purpose of this blog is to have a way to honor my sweet son Koby, and share about him daily with family and friends the things I wish I could . I wish everyone could feel the way I do at the end of the day when I kiss that sweet boy good night and reflect back on the things of the day we have shared. Koby is the light of my life. He was born on December 16th 2004. He has been through a lot in his short little life. After a very rough entrance into the world he was diagnosed with Down Syndrome. That is a genetic condition in which he has three chromosome number 21's. He had open heart surgery at 2 months, and even though he still needs a few different surgeries, he is healthy and doing quite well!!! WE are sooo proud of everything he accomplishes daily. That is the greatest part about having a "special needs" child...You relish in the little things they do, and learn to appreciate life for what it is worth. He is the biggest blessing GOD has ever given me. I don't know what I did to deserve such an beautiful baby, but I am so thankful. Everyday that I wake up I am blessed!!!! I am BLESSED!

I hope ya'll enjoy reading about Koby as much as I enjoy writing about him. Talk to you soon...-Court
What a wonderful beginning to your blog about Koby, I look forward to reading more about him. Thanks for letting me add you to my links.
What an amazing picture! You are off to a good start with your blog!
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