The unpredictable....
WEll, this past week/weekend was interesting to say the least! On saturday the 6th we had our GSDSS(Grand Strand Down Syndrome Society) picnic. IT was great. WE had a great turn out, about 10 or so families I think, which is awesome especially considering Diane and I just started this group about 4 months ago....we are growing and I love it. I have some pictures....and a video but I have yet to DL it!Here are the pictures...

AREN'T THEY ALL SO BEAUTIFUL! Thanks to everyone for coming it was a blast!
So that was the positive I needed to carry out the other big thing that happened to me this weekend/week. The baby we were all sooo excited about,we lost. I miscarried over the weekend. And after many blood test and ultrasounds it was confirmed Yesterday(wednesday).BUT the positive side is that I got to meet the dr that I will have deliver me Next time(i didn't like mine with Koby) and he is an ABSOLUTE doll. Such great manner and supportive. EXCELLENT guy! ANd while it is sad, we KNOW God has other plans for us and we are excited to see what is in store for us. PRAY!
ALso, Koby and I are getting ready to head out to Florida for a little vacation on Tuesday, adn after this week we BOTH need it. Can't little guy's FIRST plan trip...I pray he does well! WE will miss Daddy but HOPEFULLY if things go rihgt at work he will be able to join us!
Also just want to say my Husband is a different man these days....SO helpful and supportive.He gave me the GREATEST mothers day present last week(so I would have it in time for the picnic) it was a video camera...I LOVE it! AND praise God- I got him to go to church last Sunday and the Preacher and his Family and all of us went to eat at Chris's mothers house.And he(Pastor Jeff) said something to Chris that let him know he was a real person...not a HOLIER than thou dude(C-look what you are doing to my VOCAB!).CHrsi is intimidated by people like that...heck so am I-UGH! Pastor Jeff told Chris(who smokes-yuck)"Someone once asked me if smoking cigarettes would make you go to hell, and I told them, No but it will make you smell like you've been there!" WE all died laughing,and I am so thankful God put that on Pator Jeff's heart to say because I believe it made Chris decided to come again this Sunday...My prayers are working and seeds are being planted in his heart!!!! PRAISE God for all these Southern Fried Blessings!!!-Courtney
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