Thursday, July 13, 2006

Only thursday...

Koby is so funny! He is starting to get so mobile! I am so proud of him! He will surprise himself though because he will just be standing there and then all of a sudden, let go of somethign and just stand there until he realizes he isn't holding, and even though he is doing fine he will fall..LOL. He is such a fun kid! I just love him!!! I remember when he was born thinking , man I am worried he will be a vegetable, boy was I wrong, Vegetable he is NOT! He is such a joy to be around.

I am getting very excited for Atlanta now. I wasn't very excited for a week or so....just some stressful things going on wiht some "atlanta associated" people and stuff, but i think everything will be fine now....EXCEPT I learned today that the hotel where the convention is being held is charging 22 dollars a day for parking.When I read that on the website I thought, that must be a mistake, so I called, sure enough that is the deal, so that stinks. I mean that is VERY expensive considering most people are staying for a 4 days.....that will cost for parking almost what a room costs for the night....NUTS I think!!!!

Something else I think is nuts is that DOWNSYN is STILL down....UGH, how frusterating, I have sooo much to post and I am sure to forget it! I miss everyone....didn't realize how attached I was until it is all gone!!! Man, I need Tom to HURRY!!!LOL

The last crazy thing that happened today is that since Downsyn is down, I was ebaying it alot today, I bought one item, but mostly just searched around....and i found three things that make ABSOLUTLEY no sense to me:1.They sell caskets on much does your family have to hate you, or how CHEAP are you to buy a casket on Ebay(no offense to any ebay casket buyers) I simply just can't understand that!2.SOmeone is selling something that says, Watch our life over the internet....and they have a cost of shipping??? I don't understand, if you are just buying the rights to watch this families life over the internet, what do you need to ship???That whole situation is just weird but the fact taht is shipping cost just makes it even more so!3.They sell coupons on ebay...let me repeat, they SELL coupons on ebay...let me let you in on a highly guarded are FREE...are people really this dumb??? Please tell me no!-

Okay sorry to get on that tangent I just wonder sometimes about folk! Tomorrow is KOby's ENT appointment post op. I am sure things will be fine, so it is more or less a waste of I must be tired because I SURELY sound negative.Okay I better go, but before I do I just want to tell you something else Koby learned that is really smart. If you tell him to blow his nose, and kinda "do it" he will do it too....LOL gets snot EVERYWHERE but it is HILARIOUS and great considering he HATES the blue sucky thing!!!! Oh he is a hoot and does my heart good, everytime I look at him I just smile and thank God for my Southern fried Blessings!-Courtney


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