Thursday, August 17, 2006

We have a surgery date...

SOrry I have been away! I wanted to let everyone know that I will be in and out over the next couple of weeks...getting ready for koby's open heart surgery,school starting back up, and moving....Lord give me the blessings I need to get through all of this...and I know according tohis will it shall be SHALL(matthew 18:18-20).Koby's surgery date has been set for the 29th of September...please continue to pray...apparently the surgeon wants to recheck Koby's echo....not sure what that means but the cardiologist informed me of this today...soooo...we wait and wait....thank GOd for all of our blessing,Southern fried and perfect!!!-Courtney

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Koby and his Fiance :-)

View this video montage created at One True Media
MaryEllen and Koby with blocks

Video of Koby and MaryEllen together this Afternoon! Aren't they cute!Thank God For then and the rest of my Souther Fried Blessings!-Court

Saturday, August 05, 2006

A big surprise!

WEll, I was sitting here hte other nigth having supper with my precious boy, when all of a sudden a kncok at the door...I almost didn't asnwer cause I wasn't expecting anyone and thought they must have the wrong house, but it was still light out, so I thought ,no...maybe it is a neighbor or something needing sugar?? But when I opened the door MUCH to my surprise was..........

These beautiful Flowers with an EXTREMELY beautiful card from my good friends Christina and Renee wishing me well for Koby's surgery and prayers and hugs from the miles between us! See Chrsitina and Renee are friends who I met on a DS website. We have become great great freinds. We were together in Atlanta, and we had a blast! We talk everyday and they are just wonderful ladies, who care as much about me as I do about them! They are sweet!
The even more wonderful part of this is that wihtout Koby I woudlnt' have known them. Without Koby, I wouldn't have been blessed with the greatest people I have met ! God blessed me wiht Koby and because I was able to embrace that blessing, I have reaped all of the benefits, including thse great people!
ANother super great lady is Diane. SHe calls me everyday to check on me or talk to me and is just the most lovely person ever! Her Daughter MaryEllen adn KOby will get married one day(whether they like it or not!LOL) and we will be "real" family then, but until then, she is family to me! Her kind words are so important to getting through tough times. WE laugh and cry together and really really have fun! Her whole family is PRECIOUS...I love each adn everyone of them! Her 3 year old is just precious to me...he makes me laugh all the time to hear the "nicholasisms" Koby LOVES him too!!! THe whole family is great. I am just so thankful God brought these people into my lives.....I hope I am half the blesing to them they are to me!!Thank you God for my Southern Friend Blessings!-Courtney

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Here we go again....

WEll, our worst fears came true, Koby's defect gradient has worsened drastically and is causing pressure issues and leaking, therefore with in 6 weeks (probably more like 3-4) he will yet AGAIN have open heart surgery. YUCK...But we understand the limitations of the heart and know when we have crossed that, and without doing further damage realize now is the right time! Unfortunaly by fixing this defect(sub-aortic stenosis) so early, we know there is a GREAT likelyhood it will come back again.SO this might not be our last "go" of Open heart, but we are prayerful and faithful for a good outcome! THANKS Guys for all your support!!!I will post a date wehn we get a definate one!!-Courtney