Sunday, July 30, 2006

Negativity sinks the ship

SO, today in church our sermon, was way too fitting for the week I have had, and I couldn't resist posting on it as I believe God intended for me to hear it today to ensure *I* am not the crazy one for not letting things get me down!
In John 11 Jesus turns a seemingly bad situation,the DEATH of a family member into a good situation, one that results in giving glory to God. It is in this that I think we should find a message and a way to live.To give glory to God in ALL things, even those that are seemingly horrible, and would be easier to grieve.Mary and Martha the two sisters of the man Lazarus who died in this passage,did not grieve but instead turned to Jesus and said, Anything you ask of God we know will be given. They KNEW to give glory because all things happen for a reason and they KNEW God had the situation in the palm of his hand. It seems so wise and bold and an incredible tribute of Faith to God.
Many Many people both in those biblical times as well as now get down. Especially when something like this happens to them. Death of loved ones is probably the single hardest thing anyone ever has to deal with,many of you would agree. It seems to me though that you have to find the good in this situation too. Is that to say not to cry, or grieve, NO, but it is to say do so, all the while being thankful for what you DO have! For what you WERE blessed with! IT is so much easier in pain to find the negative in things, and void all possitive thoughts, but it is neccessary to find the good, see the blessings, and be thankful and glorify God.

You can either be Bitter or Better. The difference is your focus on one tiny letter. *I*...Will you focus on yourself and your own grief or turn the focus and choose to be better, and find the goodness in all things, especially when it is the hardest.
This is such a good and true concept for us to have as Parents...not just children wiht Down syndrome, but of any child.You have to lead by example, and being down on life, and not finding the good or having the faith to know God will bring you through your trying times if you are a faithful servant and are good and Glorify him for all the many blessings.
In the last year and a half, I have had MULTIPLE MULTIPLE "issues" come into my life that I could easily EASILY have let get me down;Koby was born with Down syndrom,e severe heart defects and a few other medical issues, had to have open heart surgery at just 2 months old, my grandma had a heart attack and was unable to live alone anymore,and had ot give up the VERY VERY independant life she knew and was extremely hard on her, My mom was diagnosed with Breast Cancer at the ripe old age of 40(lol),and battled a serious battle with that, We found out Koby woud need yet ANOTHER Open heart surgery and possible MANY MANY more,My marriage nearly fell apart after just 3 years, I lost a job making INCREDIBLE money due to the demise of the market(hat is what they called it not me!), I lost a baby that we tried so hard for,etc etc etc. BUT I don't focus on any of that....because you know what matters more than all of that stuff....THe fact that I was blessed with a child,the fact atht my grandma found a nice place to live that she throughly enjoys and is actually HAPPIER than before, my Mom over came and beat Cancer adn has had a clean bill of health since, KOby has developed beautifully and shows no significant delays,my marriage is stronger now than ever, in fact I feel like I am married to a TOTALLY different person and I know he would say the same,I got accepted in to medical school finally after quitting twice before and recieved an AMAZING grant to go for FREE,and there is SOOO much more that I can't even list them all! The blessings have more than outweighed the hiccups along the way!I often got told I am a HERO, or I have "such a good outlook" on life.Turth is, I just know *I* can make the choice. *I* amd the one who gets to say. Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react...I choose to live at least 90% of my life happy adn fulfilled! Some people instead of telling me I am a hero or a optomist, tell me I am immature not realistic, blind to the truth or simply rediculous...that is fine. It is for those people I pray the most...because id that were true, then so would Jesus have been! ANd I want to be more like him ANYWAY!
So YOU choose you can be BITTER, and fight the surrent and struggle ro be Better adn count your blessings in life, find the positive always, and move forward.....I am BETTER what do yu choose?

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Well, Chris got home finally which was great...I admire you single momma's or momma's who's husband are in the military adn are away alot...Chris travels about one-2 weeks a month and it stinks! But it pays the bills!
TOday we are going to get family pictures done...NO TELLING how they will turn out...Sometimes Koby is more interested in playing...we shall see!
And my best friend Chrsitina finally reterned from our other Best friend Renee's house after being away for almost 2 weeks...Here are some of the GREAT pictures she and Renee took!!!
My son,Koby and Chris Burke(aka: Corky from Life goes on) I was THRILLED to get this!
Koby being silly!!! Koby being CUTE!

Koby trying to lick-kiss MaryEllen Chrstina(L) and Me

Chrsitina,Renee and me Koby,Me,Renee Kennedy, MaryEllen and Diane
Christina, Renee and I at the Booth(

OKay, Hope you enjoyed them!!!!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Where to start???

I was inspired by a post on another website to go out and get the books The Memory Keepers Daughter , and, Jewel . I simply don't know which one to start with....If there is anyone who has read these books and could make a suggestion as to which would be better to start with and why, that would be great! I have heard jewel is a better book, so Should I start with that one??? Don't wanna be disappointed by Memory Keepers Daughter, even though that story line sounds more intriguing to me???? Any suggestions?-COurtney

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

One more thing....

Koby learned about 5 new sings from Kennedy this weekend, so THANK YOU KENNEDY!!!!! WE love you!!!!
**ps: It has probably become aparent to you that I have 47 thousand typos, a dn YES I am aware, and NO I don't intend on changing them or using spell check, truth is, that is me...that is the REAL me!! I'm not perfect and neither is my typing, it is legible...barely but you can get through it, I think!LOL **


*Warning if you are might refrain from reading this post!*

LOL, well the title says it all. Lately I have been TOTALLY annoyed with parents of kids with Down Syndrome(not all)! Doesn't that sound AWFUL! I know, which is why i need to explain myself.
First of all, I think it has ALOT to do witht he fact that I am coming down off a HIGH fromt he NDSC convention. So then when I see(read about) these parents...these PARENTS(not strangers) who don't "get" it. I am soooo annoyed! OPEN YOU EYES! YOu have a blessing, dang! Just embrace it! QUIT having a recurring pitty party for yourself and get on with your LIFE! LIVE!!! Just LIVE! My goodness...I am truely an optomist..I internalize pesimistic views, turn them around and outwardly live the optimist role. And maybe that is why I just can' understand why people can't GET it??? It isn't the end of the world, it isn't a life REALLY is an enhancement.Are there challenges, my god yes, but as with anything in life you HAVE to "role" with it. The crazy thing is YOU HAVE A CHOICE! YOU have the choice! I learned early on, Life is only 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you deal with it! ANd then there are people who have ADOPTED children with Down syndrome who are having a hard time with the Diagnosis.REALLY???? Is that possible? What did you think you were "getting into"? UGH! I know this isn't a very positive post, and I don't care...I gotta say this! ANd Hopefully someone who feels the way I do will read this! Or possibly soemone who might fall intothis catergory read it and "get it"...Often we aer so kind and patient and understanding and afraid to hurt someone's feeling that we sugar coat things to the point, that you might as well be agreeing witht he person...I am not doing that anymore! I won't entertain these notions.I am sorry but it isn't fair!It isn't fair to your CHILD who wasn't given the option to have an extra chromosome or have YOU as a parent!!!
Maybe it is me? Maybe I am way too OKAY with the DX? Maybe because I didn't let Down syndrome get me down or RULE my life or Koby's life, that *I* am the one with the "issue"? Am I supposed to be CRYING all the time, or not loving my child for who he is?? I can't see how that would be the right way of thinking or even an OK way of thinking! If Anyone knew how SERIOUSLY blessed I am, how Koby has Given me SUCH amazing friends and opportunities, how he has taught me more about love and life than I believe I EVER would have learned,if those who PITTY me could walk a while in my shoes, they would be sick to think It is as easy as an extra Chromosome...That is it!!! That saying "An extra Little Chromosome that's all it is you see, where all of you were born with 2, my angel was blessed with 3"....that couldn't be any more true! I think it is shameful that you can't accept life for what it is? Once again maybe I am wrong, but If I am I don't wanna be right! I am Happy! Happy knowing that because I made the choices I have and the outlook I do, my Angel will have a Life FILLED with Patience, Opportunity, Learning, and LOVE!!!!
The other things I am SICK of is the "competition" inside the world of DOWN SYNDROME...People arguing over who's "saying" something is or arguing over who's kid is higher funcitoning, or arguing over which website is best, or arguing over the fact's of whether vitamins are good or not, SMO's are good or not, etc etc etc this worth is?
I mean seriously stop and ask yourself...IS IT WORTH IT??? Aren't we all in this together? People are letting their ego's and their opinions int he way of he PURPOSE! The promotion of awareness for persons with down syndrome. THat's fighting! WE are all in this " fight" together! Keep your eye on the "prize" and stop straying off on your own agenda's. Those with their own agenda's need to totally focus! THis is getting outta control! I can't tell you the amount of this I have seen lately and I just can't wrap my mind around it...WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER!!!! Doens't matter who came up with what as long as we are all in it for the GOOD of Down Syndrome! Right?or did I miss a memo??
I really could go on and on....and the truth is I am preaching to the choir and I KNOW IT! OH well!!!! Thank YOU for letting me Vent, and thank God for All of our Southern Fried blessings!!!!-Courtney

Monday, July 24, 2006

NDSC convention

WEll, what can I say? The whole experience was amazing!It was like heaven.I mean you are just free to be you! The entire Hotel was FILLED with people who all had a passion for Down Syndrome....It was simply amazing! Working at the booth with Christina and Renee was AMAZING...the three of us had so much fun together! It was great to meet everyone from Downsyn! I am in AWE still of the amazing experience I saw and felt!It was sooo encouraging!I can't even put it into words!
I walked in the first night and was waiting for Renee and Renee and stephanie and their families to come meet me and it was AMAZING....that is the most people with Ds I have ever been around and to see it in living color was a Dream! I couldn't believe it when the first person just walked right up and started talking to us like it was a NOTHING thing!!! I LOVED it...why can't everyone be this way! I didn't realize how "aware" I was of the Down SYndrome until I didn't have to be! The adults were all over. Bernadette Resha was there and is one of the most beautiful people I have ever seen and Very talented..and it must have been her Boyfriend with her(they were holding hands) but I am not sure. Chris Burke was there and loved Koby and his hair we got a picture or two and he talked and played wiht Koby!!!! It was great!!! Carrie Burgeron-Desai was there and we got to see her the first day and she is just BEAUTIFUL and everything you can imagine and more! Very kind! SOmeone said they saw her in the lobby "telling" Sujeet everything they had planned and his clohtes to wear and they both looked like they couldn't be any happier! The babies were adorable! The sleeping ones and the ones like Koby who WOULDN'T sit still!!!lol. It was great. SOmeone said, you know, when I first had my baby someone told me that all people with DS look alike, and I thought so myself, but beign here you can tell a CLEAR difference!!!! It is great! ANd I totally agree with that! Thereis such a diversity! The personalities likes and dislikes, and much much more! WE had alot of fun interating with people...The downsyn dinner was great.I was a little stressed, but Really I think it had more to do with the fact that Koby was RESTLESS and driven with overstim, and I only got about 3 hours of sleep the night before!LOLI think everyone enjoyed themselves!!!But I must admit something less formal next year we could just HANG out at the hotel and order Pizza....sound like a good idea??LOL
WE did have a few NOT SO great experiences..Atlanta is HARD AS HECK to find your way in adn out of, even if you have been there a ZILLION times...All the one way streets and such, so we dot lost and ended up in SOuth Central Ghettoville a few times. Then we had two near isn't a but safe to walk around Downtown Atlanta alone, EVEN in Daylight!ANd Parking..I ended up paying over $50 in parking for the weekend....and probably more like $70... I cna't remember exactly! The hotel staff was pretty good. THe hotel was bautiful and simply HUGE! WE did end up staying one night there after the first near mugging/trying to get away from a homeless man,we decided it was safest!It was great. My MIL was beyond helpful! It was great to have her there!Chris wishes like heck he would have gone! So do I...he would have LOVED it!To everyone we met, THANKS for a great time!!! TO the NDSC, thanks a million it was another great year, and to everyone we didn't get to meet see you next Year in Kansas City Missouri!!!
ALl in all it was the most amazing weekend filled with Laughter Hugs, tears, joy, anxiety, but most of All FUN! It is times like these that I sit back and MOST refelct on why God blessed me with Koby. If it wasn't for Koby I NEVER would get to experience anything as wonderful as I did this weekend and meet the greatest people and make life long friends!I am once again thankful to God for all of my Southern Fried Blessings!!!

I forgot my camera but Here are some that others took!!! There will be more to come! Koby and Angela(Leah's daughter) Koby and Ann
From L-R) Christina, Stephanie, me, Ann, Leah, Amy, Renee P,and Bethany.
Koby and Leah
From L-R: Renee G,Kennedy(Renee's daughter) with McKenna, Karli(Shylo's daughter) with me, and Shylo with Koby(my son)
And this is Noah, the little man who Means sooo much to me! I barely siad ANYTHING to him at dinner I knew I would LOSE it! He is SO amazing and really got me through those first few days of dealing with DS, once I "met" Noah online I KNEW everything would be okay! ANd it has! He is like a celebrity to me! I was STAR struck to meet him!-Courtney
LOVE and Hugs to all...GOd Bless...More stories and Pictures to come!!!

Monday, July 17, 2006

There is Good news, and "bad" news...

Well, I had a great weekend! I went and spent it with my MIL. IT was wonderful. We shopped all day on Saturday, and then I stayed with her Sat night and Sunday we got up and went to church, then worked on a puzzle and went back to church. It was wonderful! I am looking forward to her coming to atlanta with me! IT will be fun, which brings me to my next point....

ONLY 3 MORE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so excited! I can't wait ot meet everyone! IT will be a blast! I just can't wait!I will post lots of pictures when I get back.

Koby is excited too!!! I got him some new stuff to wear so he will be CUTE!!! Prayers for a safe trip! I know God will protect us as always!

And on a not so great note...We have lost an Angel. Grace Feingold went to be with the lord. We were praying so hard for her and her family to overcome this battle but God know what he is doing and we trust in his word, and know that he is a faithful God and has taken her onto another place, a better place, where she will watch down on all of us from the comforts of Jesus's arms. My deepest prayers out to her family, with whom I never had the pleasure of meeting in person,but hope they know how much we love and care for them!!!

Please remember that life is short. God's word is true. No one is guaranteed tomorrow. The fact tha you have your children, your spouse, you mind, and body, is a blessing from above. Please remember to count your blessings and lift them up to God in thanks! We serve a mighty God, who gives and takes away, but all in the grand plan! I know I thank God TRUELY for all of my Southern Fried Blessings!-COurtney

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Only thursday...

Koby is so funny! He is starting to get so mobile! I am so proud of him! He will surprise himself though because he will just be standing there and then all of a sudden, let go of somethign and just stand there until he realizes he isn't holding, and even though he is doing fine he will fall..LOL. He is such a fun kid! I just love him!!! I remember when he was born thinking , man I am worried he will be a vegetable, boy was I wrong, Vegetable he is NOT! He is such a joy to be around.

I am getting very excited for Atlanta now. I wasn't very excited for a week or so....just some stressful things going on wiht some "atlanta associated" people and stuff, but i think everything will be fine now....EXCEPT I learned today that the hotel where the convention is being held is charging 22 dollars a day for parking.When I read that on the website I thought, that must be a mistake, so I called, sure enough that is the deal, so that stinks. I mean that is VERY expensive considering most people are staying for a 4 days.....that will cost for parking almost what a room costs for the night....NUTS I think!!!!

Something else I think is nuts is that DOWNSYN is STILL down....UGH, how frusterating, I have sooo much to post and I am sure to forget it! I miss everyone....didn't realize how attached I was until it is all gone!!! Man, I need Tom to HURRY!!!LOL

The last crazy thing that happened today is that since Downsyn is down, I was ebaying it alot today, I bought one item, but mostly just searched around....and i found three things that make ABSOLUTLEY no sense to me:1.They sell caskets on much does your family have to hate you, or how CHEAP are you to buy a casket on Ebay(no offense to any ebay casket buyers) I simply just can't understand that!2.SOmeone is selling something that says, Watch our life over the internet....and they have a cost of shipping??? I don't understand, if you are just buying the rights to watch this families life over the internet, what do you need to ship???That whole situation is just weird but the fact taht is shipping cost just makes it even more so!3.They sell coupons on ebay...let me repeat, they SELL coupons on ebay...let me let you in on a highly guarded are FREE...are people really this dumb??? Please tell me no!-

Okay sorry to get on that tangent I just wonder sometimes about folk! Tomorrow is KOby's ENT appointment post op. I am sure things will be fine, so it is more or less a waste of I must be tired because I SURELY sound negative.Okay I better go, but before I do I just want to tell you something else Koby learned that is really smart. If you tell him to blow his nose, and kinda "do it" he will do it too....LOL gets snot EVERYWHERE but it is HILARIOUS and great considering he HATES the blue sucky thing!!!! Oh he is a hoot and does my heart good, everytime I look at him I just smile and thank God for my Southern fried Blessings!-Courtney

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I missed this place....

WoW, I really fell of the band wagon, So I vowed I am back in full swing to blogging...didn't think anyone read this but after so many people asked me why I wasn't blogging I figured i better get back to it!

So, what is new.....let's see...Koby was very sick with strep throat and croup. WE didn't even know he was sick until one night he woke up VERY congested and eventually stopped breathing after a little bit, so after our first ever(and opefully our last ever) ER visit, and getting the WRONG diagnosis...the fools first tried to tell me it was TEETH, I said, Really teeth...hmmm I was here when he cut the others and he never stopped breathing, so you better try agian! UGH! So After struggling through that sunday we went to our WONDERFUL ped Dr.Rabon who not only gave us the correct diagnosis, but with geniune concern told me to call him no matter what and not waste my time with those foolish ER's(of course unless it be life threatening). WEll after a couple weeks of med's and sickies I think we are finally pulling through! To god bet he ultimate glory as we thank him for Dr.Rabon's wisdom, and the healting power he has, and has given through his son to us!

I am now just getting geared up for the National Down Syndrome Congress Conference in Atlanta. I am so exciteed. I have planned a big dinner get together for a binch of us from the Downsyn webforum. It is going to be an absolute blast. Renee and I are getting the stuff ready to sell. SHe is so creative, I am excited to be working with her on the vendor will be fun!I pray we have a great time and all goes smoothly! It seems we have been dong nothing around our house but working on stuff for Atlanta.But I just knwo it will be worth it! My MIl has decided to go with me so that is going to be fun, she will be thre to helpw ith Koby if he gets bored...but he is a pretty content little guy and will be sooo happy just sitting and watching all the people,until he gets hungry that is!!!LOL

CHris is getting ready to start his traveling again...I hope not too much! He enjoys traveling but Koby hates it when he is gone, so I pray for safe travels but that they be few and far between!

Okay, I promise to blog frequently,now I will go and leave you with some pictures Koby and I ...Thank God for All of my Southern Fried Blessings!