Monday, July 17, 2006

There is Good news, and "bad" news...

Well, I had a great weekend! I went and spent it with my MIL. IT was wonderful. We shopped all day on Saturday, and then I stayed with her Sat night and Sunday we got up and went to church, then worked on a puzzle and went back to church. It was wonderful! I am looking forward to her coming to atlanta with me! IT will be fun, which brings me to my next point....

ONLY 3 MORE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so excited! I can't wait ot meet everyone! IT will be a blast! I just can't wait!I will post lots of pictures when I get back.

Koby is excited too!!! I got him some new stuff to wear so he will be CUTE!!! Prayers for a safe trip! I know God will protect us as always!

And on a not so great note...We have lost an Angel. Grace Feingold went to be with the lord. We were praying so hard for her and her family to overcome this battle but God know what he is doing and we trust in his word, and know that he is a faithful God and has taken her onto another place, a better place, where she will watch down on all of us from the comforts of Jesus's arms. My deepest prayers out to her family, with whom I never had the pleasure of meeting in person,but hope they know how much we love and care for them!!!

Please remember that life is short. God's word is true. No one is guaranteed tomorrow. The fact tha you have your children, your spouse, you mind, and body, is a blessing from above. Please remember to count your blessings and lift them up to God in thanks! We serve a mighty God, who gives and takes away, but all in the grand plan! I know I thank God TRUELY for all of my Southern Fried Blessings!-COurtney


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