Negativity sinks the ship
SO, today in church our sermon, was way too fitting for the week I have had, and I couldn't resist posting on it as I believe God intended for me to hear it today to ensure *I* am not the crazy one for not letting things get me down!
In John 11 Jesus turns a seemingly bad situation,the DEATH of a family member into a good situation, one that results in giving glory to God. It is in this that I think we should find a message and a way to live.To give glory to God in ALL things, even those that are seemingly horrible, and would be easier to grieve.Mary and Martha the two sisters of the man Lazarus who died in this passage,did not grieve but instead turned to Jesus and said, Anything you ask of God we know will be given. They KNEW to give glory because all things happen for a reason and they KNEW God had the situation in the palm of his hand. It seems so wise and bold and an incredible tribute of Faith to God.
Many Many people both in those biblical times as well as now get down. Especially when something like this happens to them. Death of loved ones is probably the single hardest thing anyone ever has to deal with,many of you would agree. It seems to me though that you have to find the good in this situation too. Is that to say not to cry, or grieve, NO, but it is to say do so, all the while being thankful for what you DO have! For what you WERE blessed with! IT is so much easier in pain to find the negative in things, and void all possitive thoughts, but it is neccessary to find the good, see the blessings, and be thankful and glorify God.
You can either be Bitter or Better. The difference is your focus on one tiny letter. *I*...Will you focus on yourself and your own grief or turn the focus and choose to be better, and find the goodness in all things, especially when it is the hardest.
This is such a good and true concept for us to have as Parents...not just children wiht Down syndrome, but of any child.You have to lead by example, and being down on life, and not finding the good or having the faith to know God will bring you through your trying times if you are a faithful servant and are good and Glorify him for all the many blessings.
In the last year and a half, I have had MULTIPLE MULTIPLE "issues" come into my life that I could easily EASILY have let get me down;Koby was born with Down syndrom,e severe heart defects and a few other medical issues, had to have open heart surgery at just 2 months old, my grandma had a heart attack and was unable to live alone anymore,and had ot give up the VERY VERY independant life she knew and was extremely hard on her, My mom was diagnosed with Breast Cancer at the ripe old age of 40(lol),and battled a serious battle with that, We found out Koby woud need yet ANOTHER Open heart surgery and possible MANY MANY more,My marriage nearly fell apart after just 3 years, I lost a job making INCREDIBLE money due to the demise of the market(hat is what they called it not me!), I lost a baby that we tried so hard for,etc etc etc. BUT I don't focus on any of that....because you know what matters more than all of that stuff....THe fact that I was blessed with a child,the fact atht my grandma found a nice place to live that she throughly enjoys and is actually HAPPIER than before, my Mom over came and beat Cancer adn has had a clean bill of health since, KOby has developed beautifully and shows no significant delays,my marriage is stronger now than ever, in fact I feel like I am married to a TOTALLY different person and I know he would say the same,I got accepted in to medical school finally after quitting twice before and recieved an AMAZING grant to go for FREE,and there is SOOO much more that I can't even list them all! The blessings have more than outweighed the hiccups along the way!I often got told I am a HERO, or I have "such a good outlook" on life.Turth is, I just know *I* can make the choice. *I* amd the one who gets to say. Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react...I choose to live at least 90% of my life happy adn fulfilled! Some people instead of telling me I am a hero or a optomist, tell me I am immature not realistic, blind to the truth or simply rediculous...that is fine. It is for those people I pray the most...because id that were true, then so would Jesus have been! ANd I want to be more like him ANYWAY!
So YOU choose you can be BITTER, and fight the surrent and struggle ro be Better adn count your blessings in life, find the positive always, and move forward.....I am BETTER what do yu choose?
Awww Court...this is so awesome..I know we talked about some of this already, but man GF I am so happy to have you in my life. Such a good positive influence..Love ya tons!
courtney i am so glad you found my site so i could find yours!! yeah!! so link away my dear!!!!!
I followed you here from another site. I pray your son's surgery went well. hope you have a great holiday.
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